How to Handle Negative Feedback and Trolls on Your Blog

How to Handle Negative Feedback and Trolls on Your Blog


Receiving negative feedback and dealing with trolls is an unfortunate reality for many bloggers. It can be disheartening and frustrating, but it’s important to remember that there are ways to handle these situations effectively. In this blog post, we will discuss some strategies to handle negative feedback and trolls on your blog, maintain a positive online environment, and protect your reputation.

H2: Understanding Negative Feedback and Trolls

What is negative feedback?

Negative feedback refers to criticism, complaints, or disagreement expressed by readers or visitors on your blog. It can be about your content, writing style, or even personal attacks. While it’s essential to acknowledge constructive feedback, negative feedback can also be subjective and unfounded.

What are trolls?

Trolls are individuals who intentionally provoke and disrupt online conversations. They may leave malicious comments, engage in personal attacks, or spam your blog. Trolls thrive on stirring up negative emotions and seeking attention, often without any genuine interest in having a meaningful discussion.

Dealing with Negative Feedback

1. Stay calm and don’t take it personally

Receiving negative feedback can be hurtful, but it’s crucial not to take it personally. Remember, everyone has the right to their opinion, and not everyone will agree with your views or content. Take a step back, breathe, and respond with a level-headed mindset.

2. Assess the validity of the feedback

Distinguish between constructive feedback and baseless criticism. Constructive feedback offers specific suggestions for improvement, while baseless criticism is usually vague or malicious. Appreciate valid feedback and use it to improve your content.

3. Respond professionally and politely

Craft a thoughtful and professional response to negative feedback. Address any valid points raised and provide additional insights or explanations, if necessary. Avoid getting defensive or engaging in arguments, as it can fuel the negativity.

4. Encourage constructive conversations

Invite readers to participate in constructive discussions by commenting on your blog. Encourage them to provide their own insights, share their experiences, or ask questions. This can help shift the focus away from negative comments and foster a more positive environment.

Handling Trolls

1. Ignore and don’t feed the trolls

Trolls thrive on attention and provocation. Ignoring them is often the best way to deflate their impact. Avoid responding directly to their comments, delete their comments if necessary, and consider blocking repeat offenders.

2. Monitor and moderate comments

Regularly monitor comments on your blog, and promptly remove any abusive or offensive comments left by trolls. Implement comment moderation settings to ensure that comments are reviewed before they appear on your blog publicly.

3. Maintain a strong community

Build a supportive community on your blog by nurturing positive relationships with your readers. Encourage discussions, create engagement through social media channels, and establish clear commenting guidelines. A strong community can help deter trolls and promote respectful conversations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How should I handle persistent trolls?

A: If you have persistent trolls on your blog, it’s important to stay vigilant. Consider implementing strict comment moderation, blocking repeat offenders, or even seeking legal advice if the trolling escalates to harassment level.

Q: Should I delete negative comments?

A: Deleting negative comments should be approached with caution. While it may be necessary to remove abusive or offensive content, deleting constructive criticism may give the impression of suppressing differing opinions. Use your judgment and consider responding instead of deleting if the comment offers an opportunity for dialogue.

Q: How can I prevent negative feedback or trolling?

A: Unfortunately, it’s challenging to prevent negative feedback or trolling entirely. However, fostering a positive community, setting clear guidelines, moderating comments, and actively engaging with your readers can discourage trolls and cultivate meaningful discussions.


Receiving negative feedback and dealing with trolls is an unavoidable part of running a blog. By understanding how to handle negative feedback professionally, effectively managing trolls, and cultivating a supportive community, you can maintain a positive online environment while protecting your reputation as a blogger. Remember, stay calm, respond thoughtfully, and focus on constructive discussions.

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